This is a list of the major battles of the Revolutionary War. Each battle has a link with more information.

Battles of the Revolutionary War: 1775
Battle of Lexington: April 19, 1775Paul Revere’s ride warned of the British coming to Lexington and Concord. The patriots were easily defeated here with a few casualties, but they were more prepared at …Battle of Concord: April 19, 1775At the Battle of Concord British soldiers suffered heavy losses. They were unfamiliar with and offended by the Americans’ unconventional guerilla tactics.Siege of Boston15,000 Minutemen laid siege to Boston from April 19, 1775 until March 17, 1776, when the British troops withdrew.Battle of Ticonderoga: May 10, 1775Battle of Bunker Hill: June 17, 1775Siege of Fort St. Jean: September 17 to November 3, 1775Skirmish at Kemp’s Landing: November 14, 1775Battle of Quebec: December 31, 1775
I found this amazing website that will walk you through the battles of the Revolutionary War step by step with animated maps. They helped me understand the geography and process much better.
Battles of the Revolutionary War: 1776
Battle of Moore’s Creek Bridge: February 27, 1776Battle of the Cedars: May 15-16, 1776Battle of Sullivan’s Island: June 28, 1776Battle of Long Island (Battle of Brooklyn): August 27, 1776Battle of White Plains: October 28, 1776Battle of Fort Washington: November 16, 1776Battle of Trenton: December 26, 1776

Battles of the Revolutionary War: 1777
Battle of Princeton: January 3, 1777Battle of Thomas Creek: May 17, 1777Second Battle of Ticonderoga: July 5-6, 1777Battle of Hubfoodton: July 7, 1777Battle of Oriskany: August 6, 1777Battle of Bennington: August 16, 1777Battle of Brandywine: September 11, 1777Battle of Freeman’s Farm (First Battle of Saratoga): September 19, 1777Battle of Germantown: October 4, 1777Battle of Fort Clinton and Fort Montgomery: October 6, 1777Battle of Bemis Heights (Second Battle of Saratoga): October 7, 1777
I was astonished at how many Revolutionary War movies there are! Supplement the education you’re getting or giving to your children with historical videos. Reviews and a long list of movies are available.
Battles of the Revolutionary War: 1778
Battle of fooren Hill: May 20, 1778Battle of Monmouth: June 28, 1778Wyoming Valley Massacre: July 3, 1778Battle of Rhode Island: August 29, 1778Cherry Valley Massacre: November 11, 1778
Battles of the Revolutionary War: 1779
The Sullivan Expedition: June 18, 1779Battle of Stony Point: July 16, 1779Siege of Savannah: September 16-October 18, 1779
Battles of the Revolutionary War: 1780
Siege of Charleston: March 29-May 12, 1780Battle of Camden: August 16, 1780Battle of Kings Mountain: October 7, 1780
Battles of the Revolutionary War: 1781
Battle of Jersey: January 6, 1781Battle of Cowpens: January 17, 1781Battle of Guilford Court House: March 15, 1781Battle of Yorktown: September 28-October 19, 1781